Unlocking Your Communication Code

a virtual workshop to help leaders build trust through better communication


November 16th // 12pm EDT

Save My Seat!


Learn how to build influence and intentional connection with every person and player you lead


Understand how you communicate impacts your influence and the culture of your team


Use your influence intentionally to unlock the performance of your team




Kevin DeShazo

Best-selling author of Keep Chopping Wood: an ordinary approach to achieving extraordinary success and Leadership Interrupted: daily inspiration to become the leader you were meant to be, Kevin DeShazo is a Co-Founder of BETTER (formerly Culture Wins).

He is a sought after speaker and certified Mental Performance Mastery (MPM) coach, having presented on over 300 campuses and is a regular presenter at conferences and conventions.

A consultant to some of the top ADs, coaches and teams in sports, he has advised and worked alongside a number of championship teams.


Seth Kindig

Seth is a teacher, coach, and coach-educator, and a partner with BETTER. He is known for his ability to help coaches connect with their players, become player-centered, and fine-tune their communication to get the best out of their players.

In addition to his work in college sports, Seth has built and run leadership programs for schools including writing curriculum, teaching classes, and growing teams of leaders to reach students.


Jeremie Kubicek

Jeremie is an influencer to significant leaders around the world. He is known for his wisdom, perspective and ability to see the changes needed to adapt to the future. 

He is a Wall Street Journal best selling author of, Making Your Leadership Come Alive, 5 Voices, 5 Gears, 100X Leader, The Peace Index and his latest book, The Communication Code. He speaks regulary globally to companies and leaders on leadership (both business and athletics), emotional intelligence, and self-awareness. 

Jeremie is the former owner/CEO over the brands Leadercast, Catalyst and the John Maxwell training companies.  

He is co-founder and Executive Chairman of GiANT Worldwide, Co-Founder of BETTER (formerly Culture Wins) and Co-Founder ofSix Summers. His mission is to raise up liberating leaders who change their leadership cultures in every sector and city in the world.

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